Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It's the Final Countdown

A magician named "Gob."

It is indeed the final countdown.

Tomorrow (Thursday, June 18th), at 4:00pm, I will be in the operating room at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica.

It's a weird feeling.  I've been busy over the last four weeks; doctor's appointments, transitioning at work, telling people about my cancer, getting all my paperwork and such in order.  

Now, on Surgery Eve, I'm alone with my thoughts.  Well, not really alone, I'm at my parents' house, since they'll be taking me to the hospital and then I'll be recovering here for the next week or so.

I'm not really sure it's fully hit me yet, my diagnosis and what is happening to me.  I'm worried it's going to hit me like a ton of bricks tomorrow when it's time to change out of my clothes and into a drafty hospital gown.  I hope I can be calm though.

I just had dinner at around 7:45pm.  That will be my last meal for about 24 hours.  I can't eat or drink anything (including water) after midnight tonight.  I feel like I should have gone to Soupplantation and ate all I could eat...and maybe hide out until 11:59pm to get my last bit of food in.

Just add Jesus, and this is what heaven looks like.

Emily sent me home with food that she made, an orzo salad and a soba noodle salad.  I may sneak that in before going to bed as my official "last meal."

I don't really know what to do with myself at this point.  I'm slightly nervous, but I'm not tense, and I'm not a wreck or anything.  I guess when I wake up, I'll still have several hours before it's time to drive out to Santa Monica, so maybe that's when my nerves will start to act up.

Also, I found out yesterday that President Obama is in town tomorrow.  He lands at LAX a little after I'm due to arrive at the hospital.  Really nice of him to show his support in person.


I found out I had cancer almost exactly 4 weeks ago.  4 weeks of waiting for the surgery seemed like it was so far in the future.  Now, it's pretty damn freaky that the day is here.

Anyway, I'm rambling now...although I guess it's not much different from the rest of this blog.

Wish me luck!


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