Thursday, July 9, 2015


So after much debating, I've decided to go public with the blog.

I think one of my hopes is that someone who is going through the same thing will find it during a Google search, much like I found several other people's blogs during my whole ordeal.  I think my reaction to crises like this is to fill my head with as much knowledge and research as possible in an effort to calm my nerves.  So hopefully what I've written can be an anecdotal source of knowledge about PTC, and about what it's like to get treated for it and survive it...and to learn that it's not all that bad!

Also, I don't really feel like updating everyone through Facebook on the regular.  The sheer world-altering importance of my plight would only get lost amongst postings about Greek debt and how much Donald Trump hates Mexicans.

This suit looks could use a little...IRONY.

But yeah, over the years I've grown to use Facebook less and less to post about my life.  So I figured, if any of my friends or family wanted to learn about how my life was going, they could just come to this blog, and those that don't care don't need to get spammed with information about how my neck scar looks, know what I mean?

In any case, this is the first post since I've made the blog public, so...welcome, I guess?  If you want to read about my whole journey so far, then just browse backward and read my previous posts!  


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